Brooklyn Cabinets Is a Manufacturer of Kitchen Cabinets

Brooklyn Cabinets is a manufacturer of kitchen cabinets. The two cabinetry styles manufactured by Brooklyn are contemporary and farmhouse. Contemporary style cabinets sell for $90 and farmhouse style cabinets sell for $85. Each cabinet produced must go through carpentry, painting, and fiishing processes. The following table summarizes how much time in each process must be devoted to each style of cabinet. Hours per process
Style Carpentry Painting Finishing
Contemporary 2.0 1.5 1.3
Farmhouse 2.5 1.0 1.2
Carpentry costs $15 per hour, painting costs $12 per hour, and fiishing costs $18 per hour, and the weekly number of hours available in the processes is 3000 in carpentry, 1500 in painting, and 1500 in fiishing. Brooklyn also has a contract that requires the company to supply one of its customers with 500 contemporary cabinets and 650 farmhouse style cabinets each week.
x = the number of contemporary style cabinets produced each week
y = the number of farmhouse style cabinets produced each week
Develop the objective function, assuming that Brooklyn Cabinets wants to maximize the total weekly profit.
The objective function is maximize
Show the mathematical expression for each of the constraints on the three processes.
Hours available in carpentry: x1 + y1 ≤
Hours available in painting: x2 + y2 ≤
Hours available in fiishing: x3 + y3 ≤
Show the mathematical expression for each of Brooklyn Cabinets' contractual agreements.
x ≥
y ≥

Jasten   · 12.01.2021 18:00

ANSWER(S): 1 Show answers 5 Сomment


for the friend request.

when a figure, such as triangle (xyz) is reflected over the line y = x to create x'y'z' the x-coordinates and y-coordinates of the original image (pre-image) will be reversed for the image. (e.g., (x, y) > (y, x)) this means that the pre-image position of the x- and y-coordinates switch places which in turn provides a mirror like image of the original xyz.

i notice that when i draw a line segment from x to x', that the points are parallel from each other -- they are exactly across from each other and do not intersect with any other points.

yes, think i would see the same characteristic if you drew the line segment connecting y with the reflecting line and then y' with the reflecting line because of the essence of reflections. because it is a mirror image, each point was effected the same way which leads me to conclude that they same would apply to y and y'.

36 girls

step-by-step explanation:

the 48 boys is 4 parts of the ratio

divide 48 by 4 to obtain one part of the ratio

[tex]\frac{48}{4}[/tex] = 12 ← 1 part of the ratio

3 parts = 3 × 12 = 36 ← number of girls

a; x = 0.5

step-by-step explanation:

-10x = -5

x = 0.5

The correct answer is B. He will favor Nolan because Nolan belongs to the ingroup.


In sociology, ingroups include people with whom you share preferences, opinions, roles, etc. This means in the case presented John would consider Nolan as part of an ingroup because they both like the same basketball time. Additionally, it is common we consider people in an ingroup as similar to us and due to this, we might favor their opinions, behavior, and actions, while rejecting the opinions, behavior, or actions of those belonging to outgroups (outside ingroups). According to this, it is likely John favors Nolan just because Nolan belongs to John's ingroup.

the answer is 48:34

Step-by-step explanation:

82 - 48 = 32

so 48 : 32

that is awesome  wow  have  a nice day what basketball player was it  and also  i a big fan of them too

pls give brainliest

Cool. What's your question?

Brooklyn nets


Duh you like harden

a) Objective Function:

P = $18.6x + $13.9y


1. 2x + 2.5y \leq 3000 For Carpentry

2. 1.5x +1.0 y \leq 1500 For Painting

3. 1.3x + 1.2y \leq 1500 For Finishing


x \geq 500

y \geq 650


Data Given:

Contemporary Style Cabinets Sells For = $90

Farmhouse Style Cabinets Sell For = $85

Hours per process:

For Contemporary:

Time for Carpentry = 2.0

Time for Painting = 1.5

Time for Finishing = 1.3


for Farmhouse Cabinet style:

Time for Carpentry = 2.5

Time for Painting =  1.0

Time for Finishing = 1.2

Costing for Processes:

Carpentry = $15/hr

Painting = $12/hr

Finishing = $18/hr

Availability of hours in the week:

Carpentry = 3000 hours

Painting = 1500 hours

Finishing = 1500 hours

Orders for Cabinets in the week:

Contemporary Cabinets = 500 units/week

Farmhouse Style = 650 units/week


x = number of contemporary style cabinets

y = number of Farmhouse cabinets

Step 1:

We need to calculate the total cost of the cabinets first.

Cost of Contemporary Style:

(2 x $15) + (1.5 x $12) + (1.3 x $18) = $71.4/cabinet


Cost of Farmhouse Style:

(2.5 x $15) + (1 x $12) + (1.2 x $18) = $71.1/cabinet

We know that the selling price of Contemporary and Farmhouse cabinets is $90 and $85 respectively. So, we can calculate the profit of both the cabinets.

For Contemporary Style:

Profit = ($90-$71.4) =$18.6

For Farmhouse Style:

Profit = ($85-$71.1)= $13.9

a) Objective Function for the maximization of the profit:

We know that x represents contemporary style and y represents farmhouse style. So, the profit is the basically the objective function. So.,

Objective Function:

P = $18.6x + $13.9y

b) Mathematical Expression for the constraints, which are:

1. 2x + 2.5y \leq 3000 For Carpentry

2. 1.5x +1.0 y \leq 1500 For Painting

3. 1.3x + 1.2y \leq 1500 For Finishing

c) Mathematical Expression for Contracts:

x \geq 500

y \geq 650


Step-by-step explanation:

$33.00 + $12.00 = $45.00


The reason being you need to convert 63% to a decimal which would be 0.63

Then you would multiply 0.63 * 16684

And then you would get 10510.92 but you would up because you cannot have .9 of a fan

See Step by step explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Objective Function:  z

x =  number of contemporary style

y = number of farmhouse style


Carpentry costs:

15*2*x  +  15*2,5*y    =  30*x  +  37,5*y

Painting costs

12*1,5*x  +  12*1*y      =  18*x  +  12*y

Finishing costs

18*1,3*x  +  18*1,2*y    = 23,4*x  + 21,6*y

Total costs:

30*x  + 37,5*y + 18*x  + 12*y  + 23,4*x  + 21,6*y

71,4*x  +  71,1*y

z  =  90*x  +  85*y - ( 71,4*x  +  71,1*y )   to maximize

z  = 18,6*x  +  13,9*y  to maximize

Subject to:

First constraint:

Hours available in carpentry    3000

2*x  +  2,5*y ≤  3000

Second constraint

Hours available in painting  1500

1,5*x  +  1*y  ≤   1500

Third constraint

Hours available in finishing  1500

1,3*x  +  1,2*y  ≤ 1500

Fourth constraint

Minimum quantity of contemporary style  500

x ≥  500

Fifth constraint

Minimum quantity of farmhouse style   650

y  ≥  650

General constraints:

x  ≥  0     y  ≥  0   x , y  integers


z   =   90*x  +  85*y - ( 71,4*x  +  71,1*y )   to maximize

Subject to:

2*x  +  2,5*y ≤  3000

1,5*x  +  1*y  ≤   1500

1,3*x  +  1,2*y  ≤ 1500

x ≥  500

y  ≥  650

x  ≥  0     y  ≥  0   x , y  integers

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Brooklyn Cabinets Is a Manufacturer of Kitchen Cabinets


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