How Many Lbs of Manure Will a 1000 Lb Beef Animal Produce Per Day in the Feelot

A geographical profile of livestock manure production in Canada, 2006

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Nancy Hofmann, Environment Accounts and Statistics Division

Manureone is a by-product of raising livestock and is a source of many valuable crop nutrients. Nitrogen and phosphorus, in particular, are important nutrients for crop production. Manure is also a source of organic matter, which can assist reduce soil erosion and improve soil'south water-holding chapters.

Although manure provides many benefits, it tin can also become a source of pollution with impacts on the surroundings and human health. For instance, bacteria establish in manure take been found both in municipal and private drinking water supplies.2 Manure can also be a source of nuisance odour (see textbox "Controlling aroma.")

This article profiles manure production in Canada. Linking manure production to ecology quality is across the telescopic of this study—many other factors such as soil blazon, climate, precipitation, topography and manure direction practices would also need to be included in assessments of environmental bug such every bit water quality.

From 1981 to 2006, total manure product in Canada rose sixteen%. The intensity of manure production—the amount produced within a given area—rose in about half of the sub-sub-drainage areas (SSDA) studied (run into textbox "What you should know about this study" for more information on the SSDA framework).

What you lot should know about this study

This written report uses livestock information from the Census of Agriculture. The data reverberate the number of livestock on farms on Census day, May 16, 2006, assuming constant livestock numbers throughout the year, though in actual fact these numbers do fluctuate.

The study included beef cows, heifers, milk cows, bulls, steers, calves, horses, sheep, lambs, goats, grower/finishing pigs, nursing/weaner pigs, sows, boars, steers, broilers/roasters, laying hens, pullets and turkeys. Other livestock in Canada , such as buffalo, deer, and rabbits, were not included in this analysis because their overall contribution to total manure produced is pocket-size and agreement on manure production coefficients has not been reached.


Livestock numbers were multiplied past coefficients estimating daily manure production per animate being. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), academics, consultants and non-governmental agencies were consulted in the development of these coefficients. The coefficients used are listed in: world wide . Estimates of manure production tabulated by AAFC in the National Land and H2o Information Systems are slightly unlike as a result of rounding of the coefficients.

Census livestock data were allocated to drainage areas in accordance with procedures adult by AAFC in collaboration with Statistics Canada's Agriculture Division. Please meet: Definitions, Data sources and methods, 8012, Census of Agriculture: Ecology Geography Aggregations of Census Farm Units or Agriculture and Agri-Nutrient Canada, 2008, Interpolated Census of Agriculture to Soil Landscapes, Ecological Frameworks and Drainage Areas of Canada.

Estimates of manure production are normalized by sub-sub-drainage expanse (SSDA) land area to allow comparing of manure production totals beyond drainage areas of dissimilar sizes. The resulting manure production intensity estimates, in kilograms per hectare, provide measurements that are comparable across different regions and fourth dimension. This indicator of manure production intensity has been previously produced for 1996 and 2001, with comparisons made to 1981. Biophysical mural units such as drainage areas, eco-regions and soil landscape are relevant to assess agri-ecology indicators such every bit manure production intensity.

Manure production tin can have impacts not simply at the farm level, but may also have an effect in other areas of the same basin, whether that area is used for agriculture, urban or other uses. Moreover, the small-scale size of the SSDA provides valuable localized information, which is a valuable nugget for nutrient-residual assay at the watershed level.

Drainage area framework

The SSDA is the smallest unit of measurement in the National Hydrological Network of Canada. Drainage areas, also called watersheds or drainage basins, are areas where all contributing surface waters share the same drainage outlet. In 2006, livestock were found in just under 400 of these SSDAs.


1 limitation of the assay is that the application of manure tin can be more intensive in some SSDAs than others due to the corporeality of appropriate farmland available. Manure application tin can be done mechanically or naturally, past livestock while grazing. Equally well, not all manure is necessarily applied in the SSDA where it was produced—it can exist exported to neighbouring SSDAsouth.

Decision-making odour

Farm-generated smell, especially from manure, is a frequent source of conflict between farmers and their non-farming neighbours. In Ontario, odour is the cause of more half of the agricultural complaints received by government and the number of complaints is increasing. Common compounds associated with livestock manure include hydrogen sulphide and ammonia. These compounds are more common in manure from hogs and poultry.

I means of reducing these complaints is past providing adequate distances betwixt livestock facilities and non-farm uses. Various factors influence the bodily separation distance including the size and blazon of livestock operation. In Ontario, for instance, regulatory minimums crave that an operation with 1,800 hog per twelvemonth and a covered manure system would have a separation distance of about 650 metres between its barn and residential or institutional zoned areas. In contrast, a dairy farm with lx milking cows and an open up liquid tank would have a separation distance of 394 metres.

Source(southward): Ontario Ministry of Agronomics, Food and Rural Affairs, 2003, Odour Command on Livestock and Poultry Farms. Factsheet no. 03-111, (accessed September 23, 2008 ).

Lots of manure, especially from cattle
Manure on the rising: 1981 to 2006
Manure product full-bodied geographically
Sub-sub-drainage areas in Ontario amongst the most intensive manure producers

Lots of manure, especially from cattle

In 2006, Canadian livestock produced nearly half a 1000000 tonnes of manure daily. This translated to over 180 meg tonnes over the year. Of this total, 38% was produced past beef cows, followed by milk cows (12%), calves (12%), heifers (12%), steers (10%), pigs (9%), poultry (3%), horses (2%), bulls (2%) and sheep (less than ane%).

How much manure does each animal produce?

By and large all types of cattle produce big amounts of manure: bulls (42 kg/24-hour interval), beef cows (37 kg/day), steers (26 kg/day), heifers (24 kg/day) and calves (12 kg/day). Milk cows produce the nigh manure at 62 kg per day, which is most 10% of the weight of an boilerplate moo-cow.

In contrast, the unlike categories of pigs including weaners, sows, boars and market place hogs produce much smaller amounts of manure, between 1 and 4 kg per solar day.

Of all livestock types examined, poultry produce the to the lowest degree amount of manure, with each bird producing less than 1 kg of manure per day.

Source(s): Statistics Canada, 2006, A Geographical Profile of Manure Production in Canada , 2001, Catalogue no. 21-601-M, (accessed October 19, 2008).

Manure on the rise: 1981 to 2006

Manure production increased by 16%, or by an estimated 25 one thousand thousand tonnes from 1981 to 2006, largely as a result of increasing number of beef cows on farms. The amount of manure generated by beefiness cows grew by 44% or 21 million tonnes betwixt 1981 and 2006 (Table 1).

Table 1 Change in manure production by livestock type, 1981 and 2006

Table i
Alter in manure production by livestock blazon, 1981 and 2006

Manure production also increased for other types of livestock every bit a effect of increases in the number of animals. Manure production from heifers rose 9 million tonnes, production from calves rose 5.five million tonnes and total pig manure rose 5 million tonnes. These increases in manure production were first past declines in manure from other livestock types, particularly milking cows which experienced a decline of 44% or 18 million tonnes of manure. Productivity improvements let each milk cow to produce more milk, assuasive farmers to reduce the number of milk cows while retaining milk production levels.

Manure production concentrated geographically

Manure production was concentrated in three major clusters in 2006 (Map 1). These clusters are located in fundamental and southern Alberta, south-western Ontario, and south-eastern Quebec. There were smaller clusters of high production in southern Manitoba, southern British Columbia and Prince Edward Island. Boilerplate manure production beyond all SSDAs with livestock was almost 1,070 kilograms of manure per hectare of state (kg/ha).

Map 1 Intensity of manure production, by sub-sub-drainage area, 2006

Map i
Intensity of manure production, past sub-sub-drainage area, 2006

Cattle produced most of the manure in the top manure-producing SSDAs in Alberta , whereas manure was produced by a wide range of livestock including poultry, cattle, milk cows and pigs in the top producing SSDAs in southern Ontario and Quebec. Pigs dominated manure production in southern Manitoba.

Sub-sub-drainage areas in Ontario among the about intensive manure producers

Overall, manure product intensity went upwardly in half of SSDAs with livestock from 1981 to 2006, while the other half experienced a decline in manure production per hectare.

Livestock in Ontario's Maitland SSDA, located east of Lake Huron, produced the about manure per hectare of land, with 8,950 kg/ha (Chart ane). The Upper Thames and Upper Grand, likewise in Ontario, were the 2d and tertiary most intensive manure-producing SSDAsouth respectively.

Chart 1 Ontario prominent among the ten most intensive manure-producing sub-sub-drainage areas in 2006

Chart 1
Ontario prominent among the ten most intensive manure-producing sub-sub-drainage areas in 2006

Ontario was home to several of the most intensive manure-producing SSDAs. For instance, of the five SSDAs across the country with manure production levels over 6,000 kg/ha, four were located in Ontario.

The SSDAs with the largest increases in manure product per hectare betwixt 1981 and 2006 were predominantly found in Alberta. The Picayune Bow SSDA experienced the largest increase, at about 3,350 kg/ha (from 1750 kg/ha in 1981 to 5100 kg/ha in 2006). Overall, eight SSDAs in Alberta were among the ten SSDAs with the largest increases in manure production intensity (Chart ii).

Chart 2 Sub-sub-drainage areas in Alberta experienced the greatest increase in manure production per hectare, 1981 to 2006

Chart 2
Sub-sub-drainage areas in Alberta experienced the greatest increase in manure product per hectare, 1981 to 2006

These increases in Alberta were mostly a issue of the rising in cattle numbers. In the Piffling Bow, for instance, 30% of the increase in manure product was due to the increase in steers—and they correspond just one blazon of cattle. Increases in southern Manitoba were the result of larger numbers of pigs.


  1. For the purposes of this article, manure consists of livestock feces and urine.
  2. Government of Saskatchewan, 2007, Illnesses from Water and Food, (accessed September 26, 2006).


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