What Is Phenylalanine in Diet Soda
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Some bottled drinks have on their label "Contains a source of phenylalanine". Is this a good or bad thing?
- Phenylalanine is an amino acid which the body cannot manufacture itself. It must be acquired from foodstuffs, notably cheese and meat. Along with other substances, Phenylalanine contributes to the formation of an important neurotransmitter (a brain chemical which transmits nerve impulses). This neurotransmitter enhances mental alertness and memory and improves mood. It also suppresses appetite, which is probably the reason for the mention of Phenylalanine on food labels - an indication that it might be used as a 'dietary aid'. Overuse of phenylalanine supplements can cause anxiety, headaches and hypertension. They are also not recommended for pregnant women, people prone to high blood pressure or anxiety attacks, and those taking MAO inhibitor drugs (many common anti-depressants are of this type).
Steve Denton, London
- Phenylalanine is an amino acid, one of the constituents of proteins. For 99.99% of us, phenylalanine poses no problem. However, for the 1 in 10,000 that are born with phenylketonuria (for which every infant born in the UK is screened) a diet low in phenylalanine is essential until at least the age of 16, to prevent mental retardation and various neurological problems.
Dr Robert Weinkove, London
- Well, it's not bad. Phenylalanine is a common, naturally occuring part of most food groups, and mothers' milk is rich in it. However, aspartame, also in many soft drinks (it's a sweetener) is quite possibly a very bad thing. Just type the word into a Net search engine and see what comes up...
Neil Perry, London
- If you suffer from an inherited metabolic disorder called Phenylketonuria it's a bad thing, as it leads to learning difficulties. For most of us its a harmless amino-acid. I believe the artificial sweetner aspartame is the usual source in foods.
Derek Turner, Stratford-upon-Avon
- Phenylalanine is one of the amino acids which make up most proteins. The only people who should be concerned about its presence in Coke or any other food are PKU sufferers. PKU (phenylkleptonuria) is a conditon where the body has an intolerance to this particular amino acid (i.e it is unable to metabolise it). Sufferers have to adhere to a very strict diet until their late teens. It is one of the few conditions that all new born babies are automatically tested for. If it goes undetected it can lead to brain damage within a matter of weeks. Once the central nervous system is fully developed however it becomes less of a problem.
Gary Nash, Brighton, E. Sussex
- Quite apart from all of the possible effects already mentioned, consuming too much of products containing phenylalanine (notably sugar-free gum and sweets) can produce a laxative effect...
George Stammers, University of Reading UK
- The warning on drinks and other foodstuffs is because it is dangerous to PKU sufferers. However, contrary to the answer above, it is NOT only PKU users who should worry about aspartame (the foods labeled with the warning contain aspartame). People with epilepsy should particularly avoid it, it triggers seizures in many sufferers. However, the reason for the Food Stands Agency in the UK not having any evidence of this is because they won't accept any, once evidence is offered, they cease all contact. Also, other people who should avoid aspartame is EVERYBODY, ie: YOU. It is unstable in hot temperatures. Cans containing aspartame explode if they get too hot. It has NEVER been proven safe in any legitimate study, but HAS been proven unsafe. Websites like Snopes fuel falsehoods whilst claiming to expose the truth.
David C, Manchester UK
- My, this is a confusing array of opinions about consuming aspartame by Non-PKU people! Just when I'm beginning to feel it's totally safe in low or moderate levels of consumption, now it is said that at high heat cans of soda containing phenylalanine can explode. Well, now I'm wondering about it again, since the human body, as you know, runs at 98.6 degrees. I guess that could be considered to not be really hot, but I would avoid it if you have a fever. Might explode in your body!
Wendy Smith, Pontiac, Illinois USA
- Phenylalanine does effect the brain, and could be used as natural antidepressant (look up L phenylalanine antidepressant). The small amount in soft drinks though has only a very mild antidepressant effect. I personally I find it useful in dealing with my low mood, as I'm allergic to many food stuff it naturally occurs in (eg milk).
Samuel Durkin, Southampton UK
What Is Phenylalanine in Diet Soda
Source: https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-2901,00.html
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