Nbcusd Org Content Uploads 2015 Nbea Contract 2017

Educational Technology and Educational activity Conferences


 December 2019 to June 2020

, Edition #


Prepared by Clayton R. Wright , crwr77 at gmail.com, Nov 13, 2019

The 42



 of the conference list covers

selected professional person evolution opportunities

 that primarily focus on the use of engineering in educational settings and on teaching, learning, and educational administration. Only listings until June 2020 are most complete as dates, locations, or Internet addresses (URLs) were non bachelor for a number of events held after that date. In order to protect the privacy of individuals, simply URLs are used in the listing as this enables readers of the listing to obtain event information without submitting their east-mail service addresses. A significant challenge during the assembly of this list is incomplete or conflicting information on websites and the

lack of a link between briefing websites from one twelvemonth to the next


or an


 format is used to enable people with limited or loftier-cost Internet access to observe a briefing that is congruent with their interests or obtain conference abstracts or proceedings. Consider using the "Find" tool under Microsoft


"Edit" tab or similar tab in


 to locate the name of a item conference, association, urban center, or country. If you lot enter the country "Commonwealth of australia" or place, such as "Hong Kong" in the "Find" tool, all conferences that occur in  Australia or Hong Kong will be highlighted. Or, enter the give-and-take "research" or "cess". (Note that primal words such as "research", "assessment" or "MOOCs" may not be present in the briefing championship, nevertheless these topics could be discussed during a item briefing.) Then, "cutting and paste" a list of suitable events for your colleagues.

Please note that

events, dates, titles,


 locations may change


some events may be cancelled

. Thus,

CHECK the specific conference website

not only for basic information, but to

 clinch yourself that the briefing is legitimate

. Just as in that location is an increasing number of predatory or fake journals,  there is besides an increase in the number of conferences that are non quality-focused. C

heck your "gut" – if it doesn't feel quite right, perchance more checking is in order.  Take the time to

behave your own due diligence

 for any events you desire to attend or submit a paper to. To garner the most from a briefing, this commodity past Amy Strage may be helpful: The

.  You may also observe this article useful:

by Garrett Richards.

All Web addresses were verified

 at the time of publication.

No liability is causeless for whatsoever errors that may have been introduced inadvertently

during the associates of this


briefing list. Kindly retain the contact data when you re-distribute the list or mount it on the spider web as that is how I receive updates. crw

****************** November 14-15, 2019


: The Global Humanitarian Development Aid Event –

How Tin can Technology Contribute to a Positive Social Impact

? viii


New Frontiers in Educational and Curriculum Development

. Organized by the Staff and Teaching Development Association (SEDA), 24


Assurance of Learning

 Seminar 2. Organized by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Budapest, Hungary.  http://www.aacsb.edu/events/ November 14-15, 2019

Innovation in Language Learning

 International Conference, 12


Management Leadership and Governance

, fifteen


Collaboration for Online Higher Didactics and Research

 (COHERE) Conference, annual. University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. http://cohere.ca/ November 14-xv, 2019

Future Technologies

 Conference (FTC, covering computing, electronics, artificial intelligence, robotics, security, and communications). San Francisco, California, United states. http://saiconference.com/FTC

Nov 14-16, 2019 International

Open up and Distance Learning

 Conference: Global ODL Learning Opportunities and Dynamics. Yunusemre Campus, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey. http://iodl.anadolu.edu.tr/ November 14-16, 2019 Association for the

Study of Higher Educational activity

 (ASHE) Annual Conference: The Will to Reimage the Written report of Higher Pedagogy, 44


Schoolhouse Librarians

 (AASL) National Briefing and Exhibition, nineteen


 Learning Communities

 Conference: Innovating for Equity. Indianapolis, Indiana, The states. https://nlcc.iupui.edu/ Nov 14-xvi, 2019 National

 Science Teachers

 Association (NSTA) Area Briefing: Science The Bridge to Countless Possibilities. Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. https://world wide web.nsta.org/conferences/area2.aspx November 14-17, 2019 National



Convention: Communication for Survival, 105


 annual. Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland, USA. http://www.natcom.org/convention/ November fourteen-17, 2019 National Association of

Biological science Teachers

Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges

 (AMATYC) Conference, 46


Higher Educational activity in Prison

 (NCHEP) Hyatt Regency St. Louis at the Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. http://www.higheredinprison.org/nchep- 2019.html November xv, 2019 The Association of Universities in the Netherlands and the European University  Association

(VSNU-EuA) Conference on Recognition and Reward Systems for Academics

Education for Sustainable Development and Climate Action

Library Management Systems Suppliers

 Fall. Organized past the Chartered Constitute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Clan. London, United Kingdom.  https://www.cilip.org.uk/events November 15, 2019 Conference on

Teaching and Learning in College Teaching


 International Association of


 (IAF) Briefing: Facilitation – Primal to Date and Impact, half-dozen


Going Online


Educational Technology and Teaching Conferences for December 2019 to June 2020, Prepared past  Clayton R. Wright,  crwr77[at] gmail.com


November 15-sixteen, 2019 Kinesthesia Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET)

Associate Faculty and Lecturer Conference

 (FALCON): Maximizing Opportunity – Helping Students Where They Are, 24


Initiating and Sustaining Undergraduate Research

Lessons for Aspiring Deans

 Seminar. Organized by the Association to  Accelerate Collegiate Schools of Business. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. http://world wide web.aacsb.edu/events/ Nov 16-xx, 2019

American Medical Computer science

 Clan (AMIA)

 Annual Symposium: From Data to Knowledge to Activeness. Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C., USA. https://world wide web.amia.org/amia2019 November 17-20, 2019 Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Special Interest Group on

Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques





 Briefing, 12


Canadian Bureau for International Instruction

 (CBIE), 53



: In-Depth Grooming for Instructional Technology Professionals. Organized by Microsoft. Purple Pacific Resort at Universal, Florida, United states. https://techmentorevents.com/ November 17-22, 2019

Office and

SharePoint Live

Facilitating Learning Online

Learning and Evolution

 (L & D) Innovation and Tech Fest: Transforming L & D. Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. https://world wide web.techfestconf.com/ld/aus/ November 18-19, 2019



 Forum: Youth Spaces in Action, 11


Montreal International Game

 Summit (MIGS), 15


November xviii-nineteen, 2019

Quality iv.0

 Summit: Thriving in Disruption. Dallas, Texas, USA. https://asq.org/events November xviii-twenty, 2019

Australasian Nurse Educators

 Briefing. The Dunedin Centre, Dunedin, New Zealand. http://www.ants.org.au/ants/ November xviii-xx, 2019 Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology (



 Enterprise Architecture in Higher Teaching

Africa and The 4th Industrial Revolution – Defining a Role for Research Universities

. Organized by the African Research Brotherhood (ARUA) and the University of


Educational Technology and Education Conferences for Dec 2019 to June 2020, Prepared by  Clayton R. Wright,  crwr77[at] gmail.com



Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/433929007/Educational-Technology-Education-Conferences-42-December-2019-to-June-2020-Clayton-R-Wright

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