Why Are None of My Skins Showing Up When I Upload a Model on Maximo

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  1. I am using Fuse>Miximao>Unity pipeline. I download as "unity FBX" even just "FBX" and no material folder is created as part of the download and as soon equally I import the FBX file no textures are applied to it. Just a gray solid model.

    Create a model in Fuse > Salvage to Miximo > Click finish and accept rig > Select Download and choose "Unity FBX" > Drag and driblet in unity projection... Flat Gray. Boo!

  2. Hey @jermerqua03

    I am using the free version of Unity and so far, not thing how many FBX files I have imported (from 3ds max), no texture or cloth folders have been created.

    Did you lot discover any solution to this?



  3. When yous import a model, select it in the project pane, open the Materials tab in the inspector 'Import Settings' pane, select 'Use External Materials (Legacy)' and click apply. Once done, you can set the location option back to 'Utilise Embedded Materials'.

    Let us know if this helps.

  4. Hello @Vectorbox !

    Thank you for the reply. I tried what you suggested but unfortunately, zilch inverse.

    I feel that it is an upshot coming mostly from Autodesk and the fact that they haven't fabricated able to interpret Arnold Materials (the in-build render engine) to exist exported when saving every bit FBX.

    Again, many cheers,


  5. Syriph


    May 5, 2019
    @Vectorbox 's solution worked for me
  6. While the solution works, in that location is another thing that doesn't work, and yous finish up with this:


    There's a fix for information technology: make all materials Opaque except the pilus, which may use Fade. This will ruin whatsoever details such equally eyelashes as the textures provided are non Unity-set in the slightest. I found topics regarding this issue as one-time as 2015 and knowing Adobe's track record, don't e'er count on them fixing information technology for you. In that location might be shaders around you can use to become effectually the opacity issues in details such every bit eyelashes.

    I plant a topic about how to mix the provided textures into something resembling the intended look with Photoshop yesterday, but I tin't detect it as quickly. Every bit before long as I have found it again I'll post it here.

  7. Over at Steam someone linked a shader for hair and eyelashes. I never got it to work properly only maybe you have more succes with information technology. You lot might be amend off using a model from another source and retargetting the Mixamo animations.
  8. I take been using mixamo characters successfully.

    Download T-Pose "fbx for unity" from mixamo (materials missing)
    Download. Dae of the aforementioned T pose.

    Import the dae'southward materials folder only, to unity (or is it called textures I forget)
    Then import the fbx.
    Hold to the popular up asking to map them together.

    Now it works.
    In my instance, i bandy this character with the standard avails 3rdperson character.

    In society to then apply miximo animations, I download mixamo blitheness "fbx without skin"
    Import to unity.

    Prepare rig to humanoid.
    But you must also then copy avatar from, and use the Tpose avatar.

    If you select create from this model, on the mixamo animation prune.. It will have a broken leg. Lol.

    Otherwise what I said is working smashing for me

    zomvr and gtvx like this.
  9. Wait... Unity is asking y'all to merge textures and you're using DAE files? I've been using FBX files and Unity simply asks if I wish to properly import normal maps. I use the same technique in terms of using a T-pose to play nice with Unity'south avatar creation, but have been working with FBX files... I went to Mixamo to download a DAE version of my model.

    Same bug. I did not get a popup to merge the textures together. It's the same erstwhile transparency event, the only exception is that importing a DAE file will automaticly excerpt the texture files. You can still excerpt the materials and modify them past applying said textures, but they volition just accept 1 diffuse texture and the other iv (gloss, specular, normal, opacity) must exist added by paw. It never looks right and so far the all-time fix I've found online is to hack it all together using Photoshop and some external shaders intended for mobile.

    Ergo, things like eyelashes, eyeballs, and composite textile article of clothing still expect terrible. I'd say Mixamo is just usefull for prototyping and retargetting blitheness as all the information on importing and hacking together the textures you'll find online is from the 2014-2016 period. Smells like Adobe abandonware to me.

    Called information technology.


  10. Beginning...im SUPER new so be aware of that.

    To make sure were on the same page, the result were talking nigh is the miximo characer fbx have missing or no textures right?
    (I presume Fuse to mixamo would exist the same thing)

    I download the DAE file from mixamo in T pose. unzip it, and import *simply the textures folder to unity
    And so Download the "fbx for unity" in T pose and import that to unity in the same folder equally the texture folder sits

    there should be a pop about normal maps (if you imported them in this club) click yes.

    The Graphic symbol should be properly skinned at present.

    then futurity animations I download without skin and they employ properly..if you point to that original T pose as the avatar

  11. I may have hijacked the original question a bit. Should OP succeed in making his textures appear, there volition be additional caveats regarding the Fuse > Mixamo > Unity pipeline. The issue is that once y'all figure out how to apply those textures, yous even so end up with your eyelashes and other transparent parts looking similar this:


    The graphic symbol as well has matte eyes. You tin can tell the materials are wonky at closer inspection. Perhaps the characters you can pull from Mixamo itself don't have any transparency applied anywhere. People on Steam were hacking together special shaders for this pipeline back in 2014:


    I found a topic yesterday that went in great detail nigh the how and why of this issue, which came down to the textures in the Fuse > Mixamo > pipeline simply not being the right ones for Unity. Or for Unreal. The writer proposed a technique that involved combining the layers in Photoshop, which would cease upward looking usable equally long equally you could alive with matte eyeballs. It was still a time consuming hack. I found that folio again, past the way:


    As yous tin see it's from 2015 / 2016.

    Every bit it happens I have been delving in this issue quite extensively the last few days because I reckoned Fuse would be a nice way to populate a game with NPCs relatively fast, only to discover the whole pipeline is some Adobe experiment that is about to be axed. On top of that the technical mismatch in texturing technique brand pumping out every bit much characters as you tin can before the hammer drops an practise in futility. Best to cut OP'due south enthousiasm short before his beard is as grey as mine :p

  12. Yeah the premade mixamo characters wait pretty expert, but I hadn't done the fuse route *still* that'south disappointing.

    I don't think its much of an Adobe experiment... I recollect they just bought them out and squashed it for whatever reason. That sucks.

    Someone here was commenting on "make human being" its new to me just looks like to fuse

  13. I tend to be a tad contemptuous about Adobe, since it's non the offset time stuff like this happens.

    I likewise have been experimenting with MakeHuman but I had little time to delve deep into it. There's a plugin for a MakeHuman > Blender > Unity pipeline merely I have not been able to set information technology upwards right (the plugin keeps telling me to upgrade Blender to the version I am already running). And then I have not been able to retarget animations from Mixamo yet.

    Sticking a Fuse / Mixamo rig in Blender and blobbing it with metaballs does work, so maybe I am going to make a game about fungus people instead :D

  14. Hey, y'all don't have to tell me nigh Adobe! I'm but getting started with unity coming from abased Adobe Air!

    Luckily on day ane I realized unity is not even comparable at all. It's infinitely amend than what I was doing with Air

  15. Oh boy exercise I empathise your pain. I love(d) AS3 as a language and back in the day Flash was notwithstanding well supported it was fun tinkering with all the frameworks. We were pushing perlin noise into meshes when the HTML5 / JS guys were nonetheless struggling with rounded corners. Unity and C# have some "coming to terms with" for me, merely as a platform at least you can deploy some stuff people tin can really play on their devices.

    I'k no Unity veteran either by the manner, I started learning last month.

  16. By the manner, I've been looking into this farther using models from various sources. A model I got from the Nugget Store has the verbal same "eyelashes" transparancy bug, but uses post-processing and information technology'south own shader. I haven't been able to prepare any render tests, but I hope to exercise so this week. I've been a bit too busy with other parts of my game and information technology'south non actually my expertise.

    Non-Fuse characters from Mixamo seemingly have no transparent parts at all, pregnant that mail service-import you can only use the sliders in their textile for finetuning... but it will apply to the single mesh the model consist of. This is different from Fuse, where you can utilise whole materials to individual parts of clothing.

    You only become i material in Unity for each "function" (top, bottom, peel, pilus etc) where the Fuse model consists of multiple meshes per wear item. So at that place's some simplification going on between Fuse and Mixamo in regards to meshes and how they are textured. Example: I have a Fuse character with a matte shirt and a reflective jacket. Mixamo will treat it as a single "top" mesh with a unmarried textile. It looks off in Mixamo and naturally it looks off in Unity.

    Aforementioned reasons eyeballs are always matte. They are role of the body mesh, which has just i material. Ironicly plenty the eyelashes are on a seperate mesh. If I ever detect a mode to go those working, I'll let you lot know. The one model I have from the Nugget Store ("Steamgirl") is really cool and I take some motivation to become models working in closeups. Even though my current game uses a zoomed out top downward view, I would like the option of zooming in further so the player can come across the details of the model / world.

  17. Piece of work was slow today and so I managed to slap together a petty examination. I started up a 3D projection with actress'southward and then it automaticly includes the Mail Processing stack. I placed the Steamgirl asset and a Mixamo asset on the Scene and brought the camera closer to their face. I offset took screenshots without whatsoever tinkering to either models materials / textures.

    At first they both expect completely opaque, which is not what we want:

    Default Steamgirl: https://drive.google.com/open up?id=1MV5rLrCjc9Betjm18hPOU5sseRec92oh
    Default Mixamo: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GUvzj8UGiUe8f6PQnEZkOmlKY1mz841i

    I went into their materials and changed the eyelashes textile to "fade" and "curout", and then applies the shader that came with the Steamgirl model. This looks reasonable on this model. Condone the green smudge, it'south some weird eyeshadow in the texture itself and non important for this test.

    Fade on Steamgirl model: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QD6HPwaFNOJv-es-9H61EmEjFlYYoT3D
    Cutout on Steamgirl model: https://bulldoze.google.com/open?id=1cY_oUljh8gG6iqIXA_t-vXrTUIg2OMZ1

    Now I tried the same shader on the Mixamo model with Fade and Cutout settings. That didn't work and looked the same equally a standard shader. Y'all can make the shape a petty more visible past applying 0.5 smoothness. Information technology then looks similar this, and so we KNOW those lashes are somewhere buried inside the texture.

    Smoothness practical on Mixamo model: https://drive.google.com/open up?id=1nRxKJQhMNSH2HkdeIECOpd6N_1W5o6Jw

    And then I went into the materials to run across if they had different settings elsewhere. They were identical save for some emission on the Steamgirl model, and plainly different texture files. So I checked how those two differ. SteamGirl uses a TGA file where Mixamo uses PNG files. Both back up transparency. I tried locating the eyelashes inside those textures to look for differences, but couldn't actually notice which part of the diffuse textures are supposed to be the eyelashes on the Steamgirl model.

    The Mixamo model uses a black square, which lines up with the Opacity texture. That Opacity texture is not used past Unity.

    My best guess is that the difference between the two is indeed in the texture itself. Where Steamgirl comes with a special shader and PostProcessing requirements (non to mention seperate eyeballs), Mixamo models come with none of these things since they don't need them... with the exception of detailed models coming from Fuse. Since Fuse is losing support this month I guess there never was much reason for Adobe to spend resources on keeping this pipeline in sync with the way Unity handles materials / textures / shaders.

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  18. Fuse can export textures locally to your hdd. There are several options, but you simply take to try them to see what maps are included in each (some have seperate opacity maps, some pack that into the blastoff channel on the diffuse).
    The textures that download from Mixamo are incorrect for anybody.
  19. Give thanks you! Peradventure these can exist used to privide amend textures (the ones coming from Mixamo are patently smaller and less detailed).

    I also figured out a quick hack to set this. If y'all open up upward the diffuse texture and the opacity texture, you tin run into the eyelashes are taken from that black square in the middle. It lines up perfectly with the opacity texture.

    • Make the black foursquare transparent and save this as a seperate file.
    • Capsize the colors in the opacity file and make all white pixels transparent. You should be left with merely the shape of the eyelashes in black pixels.
    • Paste this shape into the new lengthened texture. Now you lot should see your eyelashes, colored black, sit in a transparent foursquare.
    Utilise this texture for the eyelashes. Below my results. I should tell you I did not cleanly reproduce the eyelashes in this case, I hastily scribbled a few black lines instead because I am lazy and bad with Photoshop.

    That doesn't take abroad from the technicalities, information technology just explains why the next image still doesn't look super. It simply serves to illustrate the signal that instead of using a seperate file for opacity, we tin make the blackness foursquare transparent and draw back the pixels we need for our eyelashes.

    This works for Standard shaders as well, you won't demand a seperate shader. Only call up to use either Fade or Cutout on the Eyelashes mesh, and Opaque on the body mesh. It does not fix whatsoever of the clothing / eyeball issues discussed earlier, simply the eyelashes.

    Semi-fixed eyelashes on Mixamo model: https://bulldoze.google.com/open?id=1Uvof26flxMh03wQIEqQ4TnsjPf2RLCxm

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2020
  20. This is the answer: import your fbx into your unity projection, and so click on the materials pane in the import settings pane and where it says employ embedded materials, change information technology to use external materials and hit apply. So a few things should be imported into your projection and click on the folder with the name of your fbx on it. After that drag the fbx into the scene view, click on it and elevate the texture you want on the fbx model
  21. htsp


    Sep 17, 2020
    This worked! Thank you and so much
  22. Thank you for this suggestion. I had the aforementioned trouble and tried your fix. Information technology worked! I am very grateful.
  23. I used Materials... Material Creation Style Standard (Legacy)... Location Use External Materials (Legacy)

    After a little processing time, all of the textures were assigned correctly.
    At starting time, I was getting the pink textures when trying to import the Maximo character.

  24. My play tricks is at the end (if you accept a char that has "inverted" teeth and eyes, to replace the body material with a not transparentskin one. This helps by some chars, others accept a concave clothing pieces etc eh eh
  25. nas121


    Jan five, 2021
  26. This video might assistance some future learners:
  27. All you have to do is extract the textures and materials from the fbx:
  28. This worked for me as well, thanks Vector


Source: https://forum.unity.com/threads/mixamo-unity-does-not-import-any-textures.516301/

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